Thursday, January 17, 2008

Standing Asanas - Arthakadichakrasna

Stand straight with legs together and hands by the side of your body. Now as you inhale raise your left hand with the palms facing down till it horizontal to ground. As you exhale turn your palm to face upwards. As you inhale raise your left hand straight till it touches the ear. Now as you exhale bend to the right side at the waist. Your right hand should be loose and no support be given. Remain relaxed in this posture and maintain this posture with normal breathing. After this as you inhale come straight with your left hand touching your left ear. As you exhale bring your left hand to horizontal position with palms facing up. As you inhale turn your palms to face the ground. As you exhale bring your left hand by the side of the body. Repeat this with on your right side with the right hand. If you cannot maintain it in the final position repeat this 2 to 3 times \
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